Mike Vick's Catharsis
For Mike Vick, Coming To Grips With The Lie Was The First Step In His Catharsis
(It could be yours as an investor as well)
By: Brendan Magee
*In Michael Vick’s words, “I had to go through what I went through to get to where I am now. I find myself in a position where I am willing to listen; I’ve got coaches who are going to coach me regardless of what or how I feel. If I’ve got an attitude one day, or just not feeling it at the moment-I’m going to get coached, and they don’t care: You step on that field and you’d better be ready. And I respect that to the fullest.”
For investors, Michael Vick’s rise and fall as an N.F.L. quarterback serves as tremendous learning opportunity. In the November 2010 issue of Sports Illustrated, Vick comes clean about the lie he was living as the quarterback of the Atlanta Falcons, and how coming to grips with all the problems he created for himself, his family and team was the basis for his rebirth as one of the most exciting players in the N.F.L. this past season.
Many times as an investor coach I have seen investors ignore or deflect the truths about themselves as investors and continue to needlessly create pain and suffering for themselves and their families. As it was for Vick the solution was simple, but not easy, acknowledge the lie and admit the damage you’re responsible for. The biggest problem for investors and athletes is that it does no good if you are the only one you admit it to. To gain any power, acknowledgement of the lie has to be made public.
On the N.F.L. Network Vick admitted to his former coach , Jim Mora Jr., that as his quarterback he had been living a “lie.” After practice he would take game films home with him giving coach impression he was doing the homework. The truth was he never looked at the films. Taking the films home with him was a complete sham. We all know where and how Vick was spending his time and what it led to, 19 months in prison. That was his rock bottom point.
For Investors, the lie typically comes from not being able to answer questions that they know they should be able to answer, but can’t. How does the market really work? Can you measure the total amount of commissions and trading costs in your portfolio? Can you measure diversification in your portfolio? Can you measure risk in your portfolio? These are amongst the 20 most important questions an investor needs to know the answers to, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, can’t.
As a result they are suffering. They suffer with the nagging doubts of an uncertain financial future. “How do I know whether or not I am investing properly?” They endure shattered dreams of retirement. “I thought I was invested conservatively. How could I lose half my 401k plan at age 58?” They lie awake at night with the uncertainty of not knowing whose advice to base their investment decisions on. “How do I know this isn’t another Bernie Madoff?”
Unlike Vick, most investors’ shortcomings are not posted on internet sites or aired on the national newscasts. The publicity and humiliation Vick suffered most certainly sped up the process of Vick reaching his personal rock bottom. Most investors put on a brave face and pretend (lie) to their families and friends that everything is under control when in fact it’s not. So you have to ask yourself, “Have I suffered enough? Only you will know if you have reached your rock bottom.
The key in getting past the lie as Vick shows us is by coming clean with it. That means not only the lie, but also the damage it has done to you, your family, and anyone else who has suffered. In essence you take responsibility for it. The words actually have to come out of your mouth or it won’t do you or anyone any good. Once that is done the power the lie took from you will be yours again.
Mike Vick won comeback player of the year and has a bright future in the N.F.L. again. You might create and experience more abundance than you ever dreamed possible.
Brendan Magee is the president and founder of Inevitable Wealth Coaching in Drexel Hill, Pa. With questions, comments, or suggestions call 610-446-4322 or e-mail Brendan@coachgee.com. Follow him on Facebook at Brendan Magee-Investor Coach. You can also listen to him on the Investor Coach’s Show every Sunday morning at 10:30am on AM1340 WHAT.
*The quote came from the Nov. 2010 issue of Sports Illustrated.